CEVG portfolio company, Quidnet Energy, one of ten projects selected in ARPA-E’s new DAYS program

We are proud to announce that Quidnet Energy, a CEVG portfolio company, was one of ten projects selected as part of ARPA-E’s new DAYS (Duration Addition to electricitY Storage) program.

This program will, “develop energy storage systems that provide power to the electric grid for durations of 10 to approximately 100 hours, opening significant new opportunities to increase grid resilience and performance. The extended discharge times of DAYS projects will enable a new set of grid applications including long-lasting backup power and greater integration of domestic, renewable energy resources.” – ARPA-E.

“The Quidnet Energy team will develop a modified pumped hydro energy storage system using rocks beneath the Earth’s surface. The team will pump pressurized water into gaps in underground rocks. When energy is needed later, the induced strain in the surrounding rock will force water back through a generator to produce electricity.” – ARPA-E

Quidnet Energy was awarded $3,298,786 under the category of Geomechanical Pumped Storage.

Read the ARPA-E announcement here


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